Changing focus

Small update here. Mostly just to say that I want to become more active at keeping my projects updated on First, a confession, I haven’t been working on this game much since the intiial experiments using LibGDX. It’s a fine game library, but ultimately decided it wasn’t what I needed. Since most of the game is already in Python, if and when I do come back to this project, it will be done in Pygame.

In the meantime, I have been collaborating with another developer and friend from the original community we both came from, Jeff! We are working on porting and updating another project from this era - Final Eclipse. Look forward to updates on this game shortly!

Get Mannux


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i love this game. please continue its development some one. this could be something really good.

Thanks for the interest! You’ll be happy to know that this post is now obsolete and development is continuing again with the Godot engine, and progress is going well so far. I definitely have plans to make Mannux better than it ever was! Look forward to more updates soon. :)